Group fitness timetable

Explore Casey Leisure

Casey Leisure’s group fitness classes

Casey Leisure offers group fitness classes across Casey ARC, Casey RACE and Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre.

You can book your group fitness class online using the timetable below.

Book your class

Book your group fitness class online using the timetable below.


How to book or cancel your group fitness

A variety of group fitness classes to suit your needs

Casey Leisure’s group fitness classes

Group fitness classes comprise of a mixture of the highly regarded Les Mills programs, the latest training options in Virtual Group Fitness and freestyle classes including boxing and circuit. Your much loved wellness options that include Yoga, Pilates and Barre. Rounded out with an exciting range of Aqua classes to provide more options than ever before.

Download the timetable

The timetable is effective from November 11, 2024 and is subject to change. Please view the live timetable above for the most up-to-date information.